CBD Facial Rejuvenating Cream (feelgood.)

(1 customer review)

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feelgood. CBD Facial Rejuvenating Cream is created from only the most exceptional ingredients to give you the best a topical has to offer. This includes collagen, a well known anti-aging active ingredient, Sodium Hyaluronate which retains water and acts as a moisturizing agent, Vitamin E skin antioxidant, and shea butter. Apply first thing in the morning or just before crawling into bed at night for a refreshed glow and beautiful skin.

1 review for CBD Facial Rejuvenating Cream (feelgood.)

  1. semiprecious stoner

    I love this cream. I’ve been using it for the past few weeks now and I find it has added some moisture and elasticity back into the skin on my face. It is light enough and not overly greasy. I have read that CBD is useful in balancing oil production in the skin. I have had a reduced occurrence of blemishes since I’ve been using it as well!

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